IHM utilizes the following systems and communication tools to keep parents and the school community informed and engaged.
FACTS-SIS: Current IHM parents receive classroom and school-wide announcements through this password-protected, online portal. In addition, FACTS SIS posts student grades, assigned homework, a yearly calendar of events, photo galleries, and other useful links and forms.
Monthly e-Family:The administration publishes a bi-weekly online newsletter called the "e-Family". Available only to current families, this online newsletter contains a brief, though in-depth, summary of the events happening around IHM School and serves as a major communication vehicle for parents to stay informed.
Social Media: The best way to see updates or exciting events taking place in and around the school is through Social Media. Follow us on Instagram @ihmschoolatl to see photos documenting our activities and achievements!
Student Handbook, Directory & School Calendar: Access to the IHM School handbook and calendar are available electronically through FACTS-SIS. In addition, we will provide each family with a hard copy of the school calendar. Parents can find detailed explanations about IHM policies, major events, family contact information, and other details in the handbook as well as the calendar.